Friday, May 20, 2016

And the tree came a-tumbling down

It's been a little windy here, but I didn't think it was too bad.  I was in the kitchen when a huge gust of wind blew in and then CREEEEAK and down came two-thirds of the tree.  

Matt set to work cutting it up as soon as he got home.  He didn't even go inside first-- just set his lunch box down and went to work:

 Ivar refused to be buckled into his high chair for dinner until I turned him to watch Dad working.  I call this picture "Dinner and a Show"

It started raining, so I figured he'd be coming in, but I should know not to underestimate the wonderful man I married.  He popped this canopy up and went right back to work.

Four hour into the process:  The rain has cleared up, and he's finally arrived at the chain saw stage.  Let the fun begin!

Six hours into the process: determined to get finished today.

Exciting conclusion: Matt finished up right after 1am.  I congratulated him on completed nine hours of hard labor, and he reminded me that he'd been at work too, so it was actually fourteen hours.  We both finally made it to bed right at 3am.  Sweet, hard-working Matt got a solid four hours of sleep before getting up to go to his Saturday job.  We're definitely looking forward to Sunday being a day of rest.

So that was our adventure for the day. Goodbye to the party lights that have been up since my in-law's wedding reception!  Goodbye to the two cables going up to our roof (although, luckily, everything in the house still works, so apparently they weren't doing anything), and goodbye to 2/3 of that tree.  Sorry, good and faithful tree, that I didn't get around to calling someone to come trim you all those times I said I was going to.  We are sad to see you go, but very appreciative of your good life.  

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