Sunday, June 29, 2014

Catch up!

Tomorrow, Adele and I take off on an epic cross-country road trip adventure.  Before we undertake that journey, I want to be all caught up on the blog.  So here we go.  Six weeks in one post--I'm becoming quite regular!

Adele does this weird thing where every once in a while, she'll throw up once or twice or repeatedly for several hours.  Luckily, she doesn't act sick or in pain while she does this, and I don't mind being thrown up on, so it's not really a big deal.  When it happened most recently, (May 16th), I just spread a protective blanket over the sofa and bunkered down for what turned out to be an enjoyable evening doing nothing but watching movies and taking care of my sweet baby.

Here's a photo of Adele passed out on the sofa.     

The next day, she was feeling much better. I decided to make a nice, big breakfast.  Later in the day, I noticed the oven light was still on, so naturally I assumed that I had accidentally left it on.  Then several minutes later, when I noticed it was still on, I thought I had forgotten to turn it off when I'd noticed it before.  But it didn't take too long after that to realize that Adele had mastered the ability to turn on the oven light. 
That was six weeks ago, and she still makes sure that the oven light is always on when she's in the kitchen.  If she sees me turn it off, she'll crawl right over and turn it back on.  So, I started turning it off when I knew she wasn't looking, but she usually notices that it's off right away, and makes sure it's back on.  A bit of an inconvenience, but also (in my motherly opinion), a sign of her budding genius. 

Speaking of baby daughters who are gifted and talented, that same day while I was in and out of the fridge, Adele caught a glimpse of  the bowl of boiled eggs.  I had been giving her slices of boiled egg for breakfast, so I was a bit surprised she recognized them in their whole form.  She was not, however, aware of the existence of their shell.  She was pretty disappointed when, after managing to sneak one out of the fridge, eating it didn't go as smoothly as she'd planned. 


The next day for breakfast, I gave her a whole boiled egg and she loved it!  That's what she has for breakfast just about every day since then. 

Adele is going through a stage right now where whenever Matt is outside working on a project, she MUST be watching him.  Here, I moved her high chair so she could get a better view. 

Here, she found a good spot all by herself.  Not pictured was the scene several days later when she stood on top of the ottoman with her entire body leaning against the picture window in just her diaper.  She probably stood like that for thirty minutes.  I wish I'd thought to take a picture!  The bishop drove by and pulled over just to wave at her.  That's how cute it was. 

Adele has grown a lot of hair in the past few weeks, so I decided to buy her some hair clips.  You can see here her first pony tail (May 21).  Obviously, the clip stands out more than the hair, but it is still a very cute attempt in this mama's opinion.  (She has even more hair now, June 29, not pictured.)

And the next day, we tried piggy tails, with similar success. 

On May 21st, Matt and I were working on the garden, and we left Adele on a blanket.  At this point, she didn't like crawling on grass, so she was pretty contained there.  I guess she got bored, so she taught herself to stand.  (I think she'd never even really tried before because there has always been something to prop herself up on.)

After she'd mastered the art of standing, she got cranky and needed to be near me, but I still needed to be gardening, so I strapped her to my back.  I felt very powerful and domestic working the soil with a baby on my back.  I am woman, hear me roar!!

Like so many children her age, Adele loves to be in boxes!  Our friend Jamie sent her a gift and, true to form, she loved the box even more than the clothes.   (May 23)

She was so adorable in this dress, we had to get a picture (May 24)

Memorial Day was super fun!  I decided to take Adele to the water park while Matt did homework.

She was sleepy when we got there and very snuggly (which is very unlike her, but I loved it!).  She went with me into the water without complaint, but was not interested in splashing or interacting with the water at all, so we didn't stay too long.   

I got this picture on the way home, which might be my all-time favorite of her. 

We stopped and got fried chicken and macaroni salad, and we all ate outside, which was very lovely.  Adele is at the stage where she likes putting her foot on the tray while she eats. 

The next day (May 28), Matt took Adele on a daddy/daughter date to get my oil changed so I could organize the pantry.  Yay!!!  Twenty-one months after moving into the house, my food storage is (somewhat) organized.  I am so, so happy not to have to go to the basement anytime I need canned tomatoes!  And it was cute that Matt got gussied up to take her out.  I put her in her cutest outfit. 

More fun with the box (May 29)

Little Miss-chievious has now started taking photos with my phone,

and crawling up on the stool to help herself to the fruit bowl. (June 4)  (Not shown: the tomatoes she nibbled on when she found them on the floor.  She also now takes eggs out of the carton if I don't get the in the fridge right away.)

Speaking of mischief, I'm proud to announce that I had my first "it's too quiet in there" moment.  I got suspicious and went to find her.  I didn't realize that she can now reach items on the table.  I had sliced some homemade mozzarella to use for dinner that night, and she had gotten the plate off the table and was eating the cheese off the floor.  Pretty impressive, really. 

In happier news: she has finally started liking swings (June 3)

 Swinging with Robbie during our walk to the park. 

She loves the window! (June 5)

I finally got her a little interested in stuffed toys.  She LOVES it when I have Elmo give her a hug.  She holds him up showing that she wants a hug.  When I'm not available for vicarious hugs, she likes to chew on Elmo's eyes.  (June 8)

Baby Party!!  I had friends over, and the four babies/toddlers loved playing together.  

Later that evening, Archer taught her to put her blocks back into the bucket.  Matt says Archer should come over again and show her how to put her books back on the shelf. 

Adele turned ONE on June 19th!!  I took some photos because she totally looked like a grown woman. 


We had a simple celebration with the three of us in the afternoon before Matt went to school.  We had hamburgers and fresh pineapple and a birthday cake.  Adele loved the pineapple (no surprise-- she's never met a fruit she didn't like), but I have never seen a human being less interested in cake.  I even tried to get her interested by putting a piece of pineapple on top, but to no avail. 


Broadway Star in training (June 20)

 Adele's first selfie!!  (June 22)

We had a Harker family get together (June 22), and Grandma put Adele on the trampoline with her cousins.  It was pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to Adele in her entire life.  She was having SO MUCH FUN.  When I would try to pick her up, she would just reach for her cousin SJ, who was helping her jump.  I've never in her life seen her reach for someone else when I was an option!



Our anniversary was June 24th.  Matt was busy with homework all day, so we didn't get to do anything. At 9:00pm (in an attempt to not be bitter), I decided that a trip to the grocery store would be better than nothing, so we went to Walmart together.  We did have a good talk, which was nice.  To celebrate our anniversary, we bough a bunch of junk food, which was exciting since I've been off sugar (and all carbs and processed foods) for four months.  Adele really, really enjoyed her first Oreo.

Corina and Hyrum came to visit for a few days (June 24-27) and it was so neat to see the kids play together. 


Adele is a real adventurer.  We went to the park one day and as soon as I put her down, she just set off.  I had to use the zoom to take this picture.)

The weather was so nice, Adele and I went and played on the hammock for awhile. (June 26)  It was her first time, and she loved it!  These photos were taken minutes before we both fell off.  Luckily, we weren't too far from the ground when it happened.  (Matt says Adele shouldn't be on the hammock anymore.)

So, that gets us up to date!  Tomorrow, I'll be super busy all day getting ready for our big road trip.  Tuesday morning, we take off.  I am long overdue for an adventure and very, very excited about it!