Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My fancy new job

It occurs to me that I never did a blog report on the new job I started February of 2011, but I quit that job in February of 2012, so I guess that's a moot point now.

But NOW I have a super fancy job I really like right downtown.  (oh, because Matt and I moved to Salt Lake.  I"m not sure I mentioned that.)

I am a personal assistant to a lawyer, and it is awesome.  I spend my days taking dictation of letters, helping run a cancer foundation, buying fly fishing equipment, coordinating housecleaners, taking expensive cars in for oil changes, and whatever else he needs.  I love it because it's always something different.

I have my own office with a window and a door.  Here's my view:

And I have a name plate for my door, which is especially exciting because it's my first one with my fancy new name.

Yes, life is good.  After five months of blissful unemployment, I was hired at this job within two weeks of deciding what I wanted to do next (work at a law firm downtown).  It is kind of amazing how everything worked out.  I actually originally interviewed for a position as a legal secretary, but the interviewer liked me so much he fired his old personal assistant and  gave me her job.  Which is awesome, because I LOVE being an executive/personal assistant.  I feel so blessed that things have worked out so well.

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