Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey There, Delilah

This morning I heard "Hey There, Delilah" on the radio.  I think we can agree that it is about the best love song ever.

That is why it was so distressing to me that at the Plain White T's concert Matt and I went to several months ago, they announced that everyone in the band was single.

What happened to Delilah?!!!!  I thought you two had a deep, abiding, and timeless love?!!

It's so depressing to hear that song now.

(They also said that Utah was the first place in the country to play that song on the radio.  I wonder if that's true or if they say that to all the states.)

Also, most of their songs are not particularly catchy and some or sort of weird.  Not that I'm necessarily opposed to "weird," it's just not what I was expecting based on their four songs that I know.

Also, two warm-up bands are too many.

Also, I took pictures of the event, but they are on my phone that died.

Also, my phone died on the day we moved and I lost all my contacts, pictures, and notes (this is actually what I'm most sad about).  But my sweetie bought me an iPhone 4S, which was awesome until they made me upgrade the operating system.  Now I hate it.

This blog is an attempt to start a new habit of blogging when thoughts occur to me.

Sorry there aren't any pictures.  It's my dead phone's fault.

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