Friday, February 22, 2013

Pregnancy Journal-- Week 8

All the pregnancy websites say to keep a pregnancy journal.  Although I doubt anyone cares about my symptoms and the things I'm learning nearly as much as I do, I've opted to do my journaling on my blog.  I'm going to start writing now, and then publish them once we make the big announcement.

My public pregnancy journaling decision always brings to mind this awesome song I heard several months ago:

Around week 7 I was sitting at work feeling awful and I realized that I shouldn't have been so critical of all my friends who complained about being pregnant.  Then I realized that I shouldn't have been so critical because that's just not a good way to be, but as a non-pregnant woman I had seen the big picture that the daily inconveniences of human-creating were causing me to forget.  What a wonderful blessing and privilege to be pregnant.  (isn't that cheesy?)  There's a half-Matt inside of me and I am so so thankful for that.  So many women I love haven't been able to build their families this way.  There really is nothing to complain about.  I've had a different attitude since this realization, and I am happy for that.

So far, I haven't been moody at all (Matt agrees, so it's not just me being delusional).  I do cry a lot more, but so far only about all the happy, beautiful things in my life.

1 comment:

  1. WElcome back to blogging, yearly!!!!! Are you going to have a photographer at your birth?
